EVENT IN CROATIA JUNE 4 for World Eating Disorders Day

“Life without Stigma”

The Nada Association (Udruga Nada) is organizing a lecture LIFE WITHOUT STIGMA. Presenter is Prof. DrSc. Sladjana Štrkalj-Ivezić, specialist psychiatrist, head of the Referent Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for psychosocial methods and rehabilitation in psychiatry, an expert who continuously advocates for the optimal treatment of mental disorders in the community and a national program for combating stigma.   Author of the book “Life Without a Stigma of Mental Illness”, as well as many other books in the field of psychiatry. Prof. dr. sc. S. Štrkalj-Ivezić is a well known and respected researcher and scientist in Croatia.

As this year, June 2 falls on Saturday, and the library is closed on Saturdays, the lecture will be held on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7.30 pm, Preradovićeva 5, Zagreb.